My latest educational project is a book for teachers, entitled ‘Be Outstanding: How To Achieve Outstanding Lessons Under The New Ofsted Framework.’
For those of you who teach in the UK, you’ll be aware that Ofsted have considerably revised the focus of school inspections and this includes what they look for when they observe lessons and judge the performance of individual teachers doing their job.
Having worked in ‘Special Measures’ and ‘Notice to Improve’ almost consistently since September 2006 means I’ve been at the sharp end of the Ofsted dissecting scalpel all too frequently. Indeed, I’m now a veteran over 20 Ofsted and Local Authority inspections. If I’d worked in outstanding schools, I would have needed to teach for over a century to knock up that total: and whilst teachers in those schools get inspected only once every 5 years, I, together with my colleagues, averaged once every four months.
However, the process has left me with an experience of Ofsted inspections that few teachers will ever have and most, I’m sure, wouldn’t ever wish upon themselves. So turning a negative experience in to a positive one, I’ve written up what I’ve learnt, especially the more relevant things I had to do under the new Ofsted framework, so that other teachers can benefit.
The hope is, that any teachers out there who want to know how to achieve outstanding under the new framework can learn from my experiences, not only as a classroom teacher but in my role as the senior leader responsible for improving teaching throughout the school.
‘Be Outstanding: How To Achieve Outstanding Lessons Under The New Ofsted Framework.’ is now available to download from Amazon and will available in print format from around 8th February.
If you are a teacher who’s due a lesson observation or a school Ofsted inspection in the near future, then there are plenty of tips for you on what Ofsted are looking for and how to ensure your classroom practice meets the grade.